What is a Life Verse? It’s a fairly new term that you will not find in the dictionary. In fact, in some searches, it asks if you meant to look up the word “life vest”. Interesting…. Another blogger has defined it as “the drive behind your decision making process, the motivation for your work, your life vest during an emergency.” I have to agree. My verse is my comfort, my joy and my reason for living. Most importantly, it has become my weapon when I am weak. The coolest thing is, it has spoken different things to me at different times in my life. Why? I believe its because you must get revelation in one area before your eyes are opened for more! So, when you think you know a verse, remember, you cannot study it enough – God speaks each time. Click on Go Deeper (below) to hear my journey with this verse.
John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Application: Have you experienced the Power of God’s Word – Alive, Active, Sharper than any double edged sword (Hebrews 4:12)? Do you have a life verse? Do you have a verse or verses that speaks life to you? Comforts you? Rejuvenates? If so, I would love to hear them and your stories. If not, I challenge you to search the scriptures. He is waiting to reveal so much to us if we would just come to Him and take the time. Use this precious gift that’s available at all times. If you dont know where to start, begin where Jesus’ story (on earth) does… in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
I have come that they may have LIFE – Growing up, I heard this verse often, but all I got from it was that Jesus came to save me. Because of His sacrifice, I will have eternal life. This is truth, but there is more. I was saved, but I was pretty miserable. I was always trying to be better, and live by the law. When I failed (which we all will), I condemned myself. This was a constant cycle of trying and not living up to my expectations. Pretty miserable, huh? I walked around with my head down, very self-conscious and a slave to my failures. I had no freedom (Galatians 5:1). Spiritually, Satan had me right where He wanted me. I was so distracted and consumed, that I couldn’t be a light to others. I thought this was just how life was. Wow, was I wrong.
AND have it ABUNDANTLY – About six years ago, I had a breakthrough. First that God loved me. Second, that Jesus did not die so we could live a sad and miserable life, but instead have a full and abundant life. He wants us to experience a peace that passes all understanding, a joy that lives beyond all circumstances, to learn the secret in being content in all things (Phil4:4-13). By not living an abundant life, we take away half of His story. If you were like me and not convinced that we are supposed to be happy, think about this. If we are living a miserable, martyred, condemned life in chains, why would anyone want to have what we have? Our purpose on earth is to spread the word and to be a light to others (Matthew 5:16). How can you be a light when you are consumed, condemned and miserable?
The THIEF comes to steal, kill and destroy – Up until recently, this part of the verse wasn’t what I quoted. I need to. We have to be aware and on guard. That thief is Satan, the father of lies, the great deceiver. He is always at work – through other people, circumstances, tempting your flesh and putting lies in your head. WE have to first know and recognize that he is real, present and working against you. He wants to steal your joy. He wants you to believe lies about yourself. He wants to paralyze you from being a powerful light to others. Scary, huh? Not really, if you know the power that’s available to you through and in Christ (Ephesians1:19-21), and use the Word as a weapon.