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Thanksgiving: Is it full of food or gratitude?

Writer's picture: michaudchristiemichaudchristie

Were you thankful this Thanksgiving? Did you get your fill of food or God’s blessings?

My Thanksgiving was absolutely amazing. Nothing special happened, I was super sleepy and had little energy, but my soul and spirit were in awe! I was full!!!!! And I’m excited to report that it was not full of food, but instead overflowing with thankfulness.

If you read my previous blog, you knew that I was sick, THANKFUL, but sick… dog sick. Too the point of no relief (wheezing, couldn’t breathe, painful cough and chest pains, no sleep) – I can count these type moments on one hand. I decided to go to the doctor (for those who don’t know, this is big because I never go) before we left for Birmingham last Wednesday. Praise God for Drugs! (Legal of course). The drive was close to miserable but slowly i started finding some relief.

Thanksgiving morning I woke up a new woman! Not just because I had a good nights rest and the antibiotics and inhaler were working, but mainly because I was soooo grateful for the relief. I could not stop thinking about the MANY people in this world who deal with chronic issues and cannot find relief. Most specifically, all the people in Africa (from my mission trips) with infections that we gave antibiotics to. There is so much sickness and infection in 3rd world countries with no access to medicine to find relief. This is how they live. I could not imagine.

We are so blessed in America and we have no clue or we have this sense of entitlement – we want what we want and need and we have to have it right now because we DESERVE it! Instant relief… Instant help/assistance… Instant gratification. Who do we think we are !?!?!

On Wednesday am, God gave me perspective, and I’m so grateful that He daily opens my eyes to new things. Yes, It took two hours at the doctor for them to listen to my chest and prescribe meds (that’s a long time when you’re miserable, cant breathe and the office staff are staring at you with either sympathy or concern for the other pregnant patients being near you – I couldn’t tell), and an hour to wait and get my prescriptions at Walmart, followed by a long line.

Each time, I wanted to think of complaining, my mind went straight to those people with chronic discomfort and all the people in Africa and other countries who live with infection and would gratefully wait for days to be treated, but don’t have the opportunity. I ended up spending this time waiting in prayer. Not prayers of desperation or demands, but of gratitude and thankfulness.

Thank you Lord. May I always live with a heart of thankfulness and not entitlement! May I never take for granted all the blessings available to us as Americans. And may I continue to have a heart for those who do not have.

I challenge you when you are in ANY situation where complaints or impatience start to creep in – STOP – figure out one blessing you have in that situation and your perspective WILL change.


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